The Burlington Jct. City Council reorganized with a new mayor and councilmen taking the oath of office during the open session April 8.

City Manager Jo Anna Marriott gave the financial report. All bank accounts are reconciled, and the bond payment has been met. The city is up in revenue by $76,435.49 from July 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024.

Foreman Hunter Simmons gave his reports as well. He has been working on the water plant extensively the past few months, and is working closely with R/S Electric. He has also been working on the ballfield as well.

Jim Johansen was sworn in to the council as mayor, and Brian Hunt and Martin McGary were sworn in as aldermen. Council member Michael Goff was added to the Nodaway Valley Bank accounts as well.

The council approved letting Marriott attend an online sewer class using the MoDNR vouchers through the Missouri Rural Water Association (MRWA). Council also decided the city wide garage sale day to be May 4, and discussed exploring grant money for the street improvements.


The council went into closed session to discuss mowing bids. After discussion, the council decided to decline the mowing bids and hire a city employee at a later date.