The Burlington Jct. City Council met on January 3 for a special meeting and a regular meeting on January 11.

During the January 3 meeting, Jason Mercer gave an update on the progress with the water plant. The claval has been repaired and all looks good with the work that was done. He also went over a bid to complete the remote in functionality of the water plant.

Then at the January 11 meeting, the bid from RS Electric, Kansas City, to finish the water plant labor and materials necessary to provide service pumps, plus to get the water tower on the SCADA external remote functional was approved. The total cost of the bid was $16,750.

A bid from HBK Engineering, Chicago, IL, was approved for the lead service line inventory. The total cost is $126,971.

Another bid from Jason Mercer for water pits replacement and installations of new meters was approved for a total cost of $15,950.

Hunter Simmons will be attending the NRWA Drinking Water Class for 10 days in St. Joseph starting in March to obtain his Class C Drinking Water License. He was also out plowing the streets with the recent snows.