The Clearmont City Council met on July 16, and received a report from People Service.

Nick Sowards with People Service reported that routine bacteria samples were conducted for MoDNR, and all samples came back coliform absent for the sewer. The monthly maintenance on the lagoon lift station was completed. Sowards recommended copper sulfate crystal should be added to kill the lagoon moss. He also suggested frequent mowing around the lagoon.

Justin Riley installed the new water meters. A few additional meters, along with ring and pit components will be ordered to complete the install. The water bill software is scheduled to be installed soon. Information on how to use the program and payment options will be distributed to all residents.

Resident Dianna Logan informed the council that her meter pit is cracked along the top edge, and is concerned it might affect the meter lid security. It will be checked for replacement or repair.

Chad Wellhausen, a contractor, provided the city with a written agreement outlining the operation and maintenance of the irrigation system. The council will review the draft and reconsider the topic next month.

Tanya Hayes requested permission to have Creek Side Auction’s meet-up location on Second Street on Sunday evenings; approved.