Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns, associate commissioner and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 3/23/2021. The motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Requisitions: Road and bridge to Mike Gray for reimbursement; sheriff to Axon Enterprises, Inc. for equipment.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: legislative message from County Commissioners Association of Missouri (CCAM)
Missouri Association of Counties legislative day information
The commission returned a call to a Ravenwood resident regarding questions on MoDOT easements and right-of-ways. The commission referred her to Jennifer Sardigal Jarvis with MoDOT.
Tammy Carter, human resources director, discussed free courses offered through MOPERM. Three of the videos will be incorporated into the new hire orientation process. Current employees will be offered times during work hours to take the sexual harassment in the workplace course.
A Polk Township resident called in with a concern with a tube. They were referred to Mark Wilson, Polk Township road supervisor.
The commission discussed replacing a carpeted hallway with tile in the sheriff’s office. A call was put into Tobin Brothers Construction requesting an estimate. A call was put in to Northwest Audio Visual to check on the status of equipment. The conference rooms will be tied up the week of April 12 through 16 if all parts come in.
The commission left a message with Matt Barry from Senator Sam Graves office regarding the appeal to the denial of FEMA Project #126488.
Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer, talked to the commission about the American Recovery Act Funds. Jenkins will work with the Nodaway News Leader on questions for their news article.
Jeff Meyer, trustee of Jackson Township, stopped in to check on the status of Road #457 that the commission has been working with landowners to move the road. Ed Walker is looking to start in the next few weeks, dependent on the weather.
Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
A petition for road closure was turned in to the commission for Road #200 starting at Apollo Trail and ending at the Nodaway/Atchison County line for CART Rock #335. First reading will be on April 1 at 10 am. The second reading will be held on July 1 at 9 am.
Sheriff Randy Strong and Major Scott Wedlock came in to discuss a request for the Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) program. The commission has requested that the department put together a policy for the project and present that back to the commission for review.
A resident of Polk Township stopped in to discuss brush/debris blocking a box culvert. The commission plan to look into this. A separate resident called with questions regarding Missouri Rural Water Commission. A meeting was set up with Eric Fuchs at 9:30 am, Tuesday, April 30.
A resident of White Cloud Township called in regarding road deterioration issues on Road #930 at the Nodaway/Andrew County line. The road has had large trucks traveling it due to utility pole replacement. A call was put in to Tim Lance, White Cloud Township board member, who stated he had already made some calls on it. A call was put in by the commission to a representative of Evergy.
Burns made a motion to commission adjourn until 3/30/2021.
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