
Construction underway at Jefferson

Construction on the new gymnasium is in full swing at Jefferson C-123 school. Shawn Anderson, Savannah, stands in the trench while Jimmy DeMott, Maryville, operates the backhoe exposing the old sewer line to tie in the new one.

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Hannah Townsend takes top honors at Rockhurst speech contest

In competition with 20 other schools, Maryville High student Hannah Townsend earned first place in informative speaking at the Rockhurst Invitational, October 20-21. After winning first place at Blue Springs the week before, Townsend again dominated the final round, placing 1, 1, 2 with three judges. Her speech is about the Stockholm Syndrome and features

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MMS names September Students of the Month

Maryville Middle School named its September Students of the Month during a September 30 assembly. The students were nominated by other students and staff. Those honored were front: Julia Poynter and Kenton Ferguson, fifth grade, back: Nayeli Hoilett, seventh grade, and Miguela Giesken, sixth grade.

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Northeast Nodaway BOE

The Northeast Nodaway R-V School Board met on October 20 to accept bids and conduct the following business: The school board awarded the $175 per job bid to Phillip McIntyre, Ravenwood, for snow removal. The school’s Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance will increase by five percent this year. Discussion was held about changing the

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County schools celebrate Red Ribbon Week

South Nodaway held an assembly on October 28 to celebrate Red Ribbon Week. Elementary students watched “Dreammakers,” a film about respecting others, and middle and high school students watched “One Voice” about the positive changes one person can make. Other schools in the county also participated in Red Ribbon Week activities. Save

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North Nodaway BOE

The North Nodaway R-VI Board of Education met in open and closed sessions on October 19 to discuss following business: The board approved the NN senior class trip to Branson. Sixteen of the 18 seniors are planning a four-day trip on May 6-9, 2017. The trip is estimated to cost $9,670.20. The class has raised

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South Nodaway BOE

The South Nodaway R-IV Board of Education met in regular session on October 19 to take care of the following business: The board discussed the start of a five- and 10-year financial plan. Discussion about the plan will continue throughout the school year with finalization in 2017. The board approved co-oping junior high track with

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Jefferson BOE

The Jefferson C-123 School Board met on October 19, amended the school calendar and conducted the following business: The board voted to change the school calendar to allow two consecutive days for extensive electrical work to be completed. School will now be in session on November 11 and there will be no school on November

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Maryville BOE

The Maryville R-II School Board met on October 19 to approve school renovations and conduct the following business: The school board approved renovation plans for Eugene Field’s old cafeteria. The old kitchen space will be utilized as custodial storage for items currently stored in the hallways and will include an office for the head of

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