Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at 8:00 a.m. on April 27, 2021 at the Commissioner’s Office. Attendance: Present: Bill Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk. Also present, Melinda Patton, County Clerk.

Approval of Agenda and Prior Minutes

Commissioner Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Burns seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Walker (Yes); Burns (Yes); Walk (Yes.) Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 4/22/2021. Walk seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Walker (Yes); Burns (Yes); Walk (Yes.)

Public Comment: None

Approved: Devnet contract for License, Maintenance and Support. Accounts Payable: Check #78357-78391

Requisitions: Sheriff to Dynamic Research Technologies, LLC for supplies; to Axon Enterprises, Inc. for taser agreement; Road and Bridge to Oden Enterprises for H-pile.

The Commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email:
* C & C Bridge and Concrete, Inc. Certificate of Liability Insurance
*  Jackson Township Financial Statement

Northwest Audio Visual
Training dates for equipment installed has been scheduled for staff on May 6 and May 12. Both sessions at 9:00 a.m.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Mohamed Abubaker from FEMA called in regarding Project 4451-DR. This project has been processed through the federal project and is being turned over to the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA.) A document was digitally signed through the Grants Portal to verify this process.

Polk Township
A resident of Polk Township called in regarding a septic system issue within their neighborhood. Resident was referred to Eric Couts, Zoning and Planning and Department of Natural Resources (DNR.)

Facility Maintenance Technician
Tammy Carter, H.R. Director, discussed applicants for the open positions. Interviews will be set up for Thursday.

Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ)
Open board seats for the Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) and Northwest Enhanced Enterprise Zone (NW EEZ) were discussed.

Howe Company, LLC
Garry McFee from Howe Company, LLC, stopped in to discuss upcoming projects for Nodaway County.

Ivan Schraeder
A call was put in to Ivan Schraeder, county attorney, with questions on assessments, TIFs, Chapter 100 and Chapter 353 processes. Also present: Marilyn Jenkins, Collector/Treasurer and Rex Wallace, Assessor.

Lunch Break
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. Burns seconded the motion. All in favor.

Enel – White Cloud Wind project
The Commission spoke with Tyler Brooks from Enel requestion status updates. Brooks stated the crews would be back on Wednesday, April 28th to start reclaim work, work on access roads, work through punch list items, drain tile, fencing etc. Brooks stated that there is at least two months of work remaining.

The Commission inspected and approved reconstruction Road #525 in Green Township and reconstruction Road #345. Also inspected a tube on Road #285 and Bridge #287, both in Union Township.

Burns made a motion to commission adjourn until 4/29/2021. Walk seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Walker (Yes); Burns (Yes); Walk (Yes.)