The Maryville Parks and Recreation board approved changes to the new SSM Health St. Francis playground restroom during its regular meeting on April 5.
MPR Director Aaron Dobson said the playground has no public restrooms and restroom access would be located inside the preschool building in a locked area separate from the private preschool areas. He told board members this will create an added expense of possibly $5,000 for additional sidewalk construction and fencing. Park staff would also be responsible for cleaning on weekends.
The board authorized Dobson to negotiate with SSM Health St. Francis on the change order, not to exceed $5,000.
Dobson also said the hospital has named the playground All God’s Children Playground and said the board will need to discuss and vote on naming the park for promotional materials.
The installation of playground equipment is projected to be June 7 to 9.
Because the playground is facing south with no trees, the layout has been changed to accommodate some of the equipment. MPR will need volunteers for the installation and will work with local organizations to help with the build. If additional help is needed, they will reach out to the public.
In other business, the board approved the February minutes and the financial reports as presented.
An update on the Maryville Aquatic Center was also given. Decking was removed around the deep end of the pool in February. ACCO worked on site in early March and then park staff began pouring concrete. ACCO returned on April 4 to test the pipes. All work has been completed on time within budget and the projected opening date of the pool has not changed.
Maryville Community Center report:
• Northwest Ag Day was held April 3 and 4 in the gymnasium.
• South Nodaway used the large meeting room on April 6 and 7 for prom.
• Attendance is up compared to 2017 and 2016.
• Custodial staffing has been an issue and discussion was held on increasing the hourly rate to keep consistency.
Director’s report:
• Recent park staff work has included the following: at Beal Park, Fibar installed at the swings, leaves removed from the tennis courts for the Maryville R-II tennis team and preparing ball fields has started; at Judah Park, installed Fibar, removed damaged fall zone at dinosaur and installed no parking signs; lined soccer fields and ball fields.
• Dobson and New Nodaway Humane Society representatives met April 6 to discuss the possibility of a potential dog park on their land.
• Special Event and Marketing Manager Jordyn Swalley has been using a new platform to update the website. Currently, the city site is used for MPR. The new platform is a more user-friendly website and manageable for MPR. Dobson will bring a final edit to the May board meeting for approval. If approved, it would be an additional $500.
• MPR is participating in a $20,000 grant opportunity through the national recreation and park association and the Walt Disney Company. To be selected, individuals need to go online and vote for Maryville Parks and Recreation at
• Two staff members will attend the Grow Native workshop on April 14.
• The possibility of a strategic planning retreat for the board could be helpful as there is no master plan in place. Dobson will look into potential dates.
• Dobson has fielded a question about the possibility for more competitive baseball players and teams in the area. More discussion will be held in the future.
The next regular meeting will be Thursday, May 3.
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