At the April 11 Skidmore City Council meeting, progress was reviewed on the city’s projects.

The council approved the increased cost of the garage door for the Newton Hall basement. The original estimate was approximately $8,500, it will be increased by $843.85 for a larger door with insulation. Work on the wall is supposed to start the week of April 15.

The trickle wheel at the sewer plant is still being installed by Alderman Dennis Gladman. He said the project had cost the city $786 for the motor as he had supplied the other materials.

Bud Sewer Service, St. Joseph, has pumped the sewer sludge and hauled three loads costing $1,550.

McClure Engineering Company, North Kansas City, met with city leaders April 12. The topic was to be the abatement order on consent and the company has indicated they have enough data to start the design of the sewer project.

City Attorney Miles Figg will be contacted about the lack of progress by SMICO of Odessa on the sewer line across the creek. It has been over a year since the contract was signed.

Mayor Teresa Carter hasn’t been able to reach Maryville Code Enforcer Jim Wiederholt. The council decided to advertise for a code enforcer with wages starting at $12.30 an hour or more based upon experience which is minimum wage. They want to hire by April 30. The city needs a code enforcer to qualify for grants and to enforce ordinances.

The city is going to run a RFP advertisement for the lead line inventory with the proposals to be read at the June meeting.

The ordinance #Animal-2024 was read twice and adopted. It raised the dog license fee to $15 for all dogs except unspayed female dogs at $35. The city changed the per day boarding fee to $25. The new ordinance changed the section to read “dogs will be immediately transported to the New Nodaway Humane Society with all fines responsible by the owner.”

Barking or vicious dogs fines are changed to $250 for the first offense and $500 for the second offense. The penalty for persons who violate the ordinance “shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than $500 or a jail term of 90 days or both for each violation.”

Resident Lou White questioned whether the city paying the New Nodaway Humane Society $20 per month was necessary as they only did a drive-through.

Alan Calfee, Nodaway Valley football coach, asked about using the ballfield for a youth tackle football league. City Maintenance Mike Reasoner said the group needed to look at the north end of the ballpark because of its rough shape where practices would be held. There would not be a charge as long as the league took care of the field. There will be a charge if the group wants to use the lights and services. The ballpark scoreboard is working. The city will not be held responsible for accidents, etc.

Reasoner reported he had spent 12 hours total mowing the three graveyards and had used 15 gallons of gas. This didn’t include trimming.

City Clerk Sadie McHugh reported five tablets for the mayor and aldermen to use at council meetings would cost $474.95. The city spent $550 for paper and ink in 2023. McHugh thinks this will save money over the long run. The matter was tabled until the May 9 meeting.