At the March 3 Hopkins City Council meeting, the aldermen approved the pet ordinance as written and will be enforced.

City Attorney Taryn Henry asked by email if the council wants her to work on putting property liens against the properties of residents who owe past due amounts on sewer and water bills. After discussion, the council decided to narrow the list and send a letter to each property owner informing them if payment is not made, the liens will be put against the property.

Alex Dandy of Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments (NWMORCOG) informed the council of public outreach efforts in the five-county level of his business. He talked of the redone website: which details all of the NWMORCOG services. He also said NWMORCOG was going to take up strategic planning which ranks needs in the community.

Chief Operator Chris Bird was asked about chip and sealing the streets. He will work on determining the streets. Mayor Matt Wray wants the streets to be completed by the opening of the Hopkins Picnic on August 7, 8 and 9.

City Clerk Sue Wagner said the state audit and DNR audits have been submitted.

Bank forms for the fire truck grant were presented for the mayor and aldermen to sign. Once the bank account is opened, the grant money will be transferred. The fire department will then be able to order the truck and make the down payment.