Nathan Yocom, son of Erika and Scott Yocom, Maryville, took part in the fourth annual Walk4Water 6k at the Mark Youngdahl Urban Conservation Area, St. Joseph, July 9.
The Horace Mann sixth grader was inspired by the book, “I Walk for Water,” by Lindsey Andrews and by his cousin, Sam Willoughby, and Sam’s friend Mattie Maretoli, who organized the walk. Both children live in St. Joseph and all three attend Wellspring Community Church, St. Joseph.
The book deals with children walking to get water for their families in undeveloped countries.
Participants carry water cans for three kilometers, fill the jugs with water, then walk the distance back carrying the water to simulate what children in these third world countries are doing every day.
Yocom gave a presentation to his Horace Mann classmates about the program. Each event participant pays $20 and asks others to help with the fundraising effort.
“I want to make a difference in the world,” said Yocom. “Help kids to do stuff like go to school and have a chance to learn to read, eat healthy and not have to drink unhealthy water.”
“Kids can make a difference,” said Erika Yocom. “They’ve made a difference for those kids. They don’t have to wait until they’re grown up to do important things, they can do them as kids.”
The walk raised $5,518.69 and will be used to help dig a fifth well. Wells have been dug in Uganda, Haiti, Guatemala and India. More information is available on Facebook at Walk for Water.
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