The West Nodaway R-I Board of Education met in open and two closed sessions on May 10 to discuss the following school district business:
The 2017 senior class was approved for graduation and the eighth grade class was approved for promotion.
Superintendent Shannon Nolte presented a plan for curriculum/textbook improvements, which was approved. The plan stretches over eight years with immediate attention being given to math and science.
The development and maintenance of curriculum is broken down into three stages: in-depth curriculum development, implementation and evaluation. The textbooks will be selected based on the curriculum. The oldest textbooks will be replaced first.
The School Health Index (SHI) was reviewed with WN scoring in the medium to high range on all eight modules considered. This information will be utilized by the school to apply for grants to make improvements, especially in the school cafeteria.
WN’s plan for SHI improvements during the 2017-18 school year includes:
• Improve positive school climate
• Offer more variety in high school physical education
• Create or find a screening tool to use to identify emotional, behavioral and mental health needs
• Provide wellness challenges for staff
• Provide surveys to staff, students and parents for suggestions on making WN programs even better
The following were also approved:
• Nolte as the authorized representative for all state and federal programs
• Head Start agreement
• The addition of a paraprofessional position
For the 2017-18 school year, the board hired Kolton Jones as head boys varsity basketball coach and Tad Shotten and Sarah Rohr as paraprofessionals.
There was no other business conducted in the closed sessions.
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