The Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce has announced the following individuals as finalists for its Grinch Contest to kick-off a Very Merryville Christmas.
They are DeAnn Davison, Downtown Maryville; Julie Godsey, Nodaway County Services for the Developmentally Disabled; Cindy Lemar, North Star Advocacy Center; Philip Pohren, Eugene Field Elementary Parent Teachers Organization and Kirby Sybert, Maryville Elks Lodge 760 and Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Grinch finalists represent local non-profit organizations. The community will vote for them by donating money in boxes placed at Hy-Vee and Walmart. Each dollar collected equals one vote. The nominee with the most votes that is money collected, will be named the Grinch of Maryville 2022. The non-profit organization the Grinch represents will receive all of the money collected during the voting process.
Voting began November 8 and will end at noon on November 18. The Grinch will be announced and make a public debut to light up the Nodaway County Courthouse on November 28 at Makers’ Monday.
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