South Nodaway
The South Nodaway R-IV Board of Education met on May 16 to handle the following school district business:
Progress is being made on the Guilford Sports Complex. The building has a roof and the doors are ready to be installed. Student summer employees will work with George Render on completing the inside.
The outfield grass has been sown and the recent rains have been good. Next will be putting up a fence around the ball field with an extra-high backstop to protect the house next to the property.
Superintendent Johnnie Silkett said that he is working on getting money for portable bleachers which may be used at the ball field and other Guilford events. Electrical lines will be dug and gravel put on the south parking lot. Silkett is estimating $15,000 for lights which will tentatively be installed this fall.
The school has completed the Smarter Lunchrooms self-assessment for the School Health Index. This will lead to a $1,500 grant which will be used to improve healthy choices and lifestyles at the school.
The senior trip to St. Louis was discussed. Principal Darbi Bauman liked the choice and the amount of activities that the seniors were able to do. She recommended the board put into policy that the senior trip could be up to four days in the future. It will be on the June agenda.
Silkett discussed the MSIP-6 which will be put into practice throughout Missouri. He encouraged board members to consider the current reality at SN and plan for the preferred future.
During the summer work sessions, a partition will be put up in the library to create another classroom. The area that was used for the computer lab will be taken out. With the students having laptops, it is not needed and the space can be used for Spanish and other classes.
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