At their regular meeting on December 14, Skidmore City Council members expressed their appreciation for how quickly new hire Jennifer Poland, city clerk, was learning her responsibilities.
Mayor Tracy Shewey said she would be willing to shorten the 120-day review period on Poland to give her the pay raise associated with that review. The matter will be discussed at a future council meeting.
The council approved an extra eight hours for Poland during the week of January 17, 2017, for the election deadline. Extra time was also approved for her to work with the treasurer on the biannual report and to complete W-2s in January.
After consultation with the city lawyer, Shewey requested reimbursement for the hours she put in at city hall performing clerking duties. The lawyer said she is eligible for payment because working as the city clerk isn’t covered under the duties of mayor.
The council approved paying her for 250 hours for the months of May through November. Karen Kepka, council member, will also submit hours she spent performing clerking duties.
Discussion was held on the 15 residents who owe $2,006.64 in past water bills. Rick Allen, council member, said he would like to see the amounts broken down by month to help determine which lines should be capped.
Shewey wants all items owed to be paid on the MoDNR 80/20 grant. The grant report is due May 31, 2017. She also wants to obtain more grants for the Newton Hall renovation and other city improvements.
A resident who said they wouldn’t be using the city trash service was seen putting their garbage in with their neighbor’s trash. The resident will be billed for trash service and not be allowed to waive the service.
Public Water Supply District #1, which provides Skidmore’s water, will not bill for November water usage until the end of December. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has approved the revised closure plan of the water treatment plant lagoon.
When 70 percent of the project has been completed, including the removal of sludge, lagoon berms pushed in and ground graded and seeded, the city can apply for permit termination. Until that time, the city will need to pay and reapply for the permit.
The next council meeting is at 6:30 pm, Thursday, January 12, 2017, at city hall. City hall hours are 8 am to noon and 1 to 5 pm, Mondays and Wednesdays, and 7:30 to 10 am and 1 to 4:30 pm, Fridays.
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