By Allen Andrews – Capitol Report – 4/19/18
After the release of a report made by the House Special Investigative Committee on Oversight,and with new information that Attorney General Josh Hawley has evidence to support another felony charge on an unrelated matter, I am joining with the members of the House leadership team in calling for the governor to step down. House Leadership has issued the following joint statement calling for the governor’s resignation:
“At the outset of this process, we said the governor needed to be forthright and accountable for his actions. After thoughtful consideration of the findings in the House committee’s report and today’s news that the attorney general has evidence to support another felony charge, we believe the governor needs to take responsibility for his actions.
Leaders at all levels of government are entrusted with an incredible responsibility to the Missourians we represent. When leaders lose the ability to effectively lead our state, the right thing to do is step aside. In our view, the time has come for the governor to resign.”
House Leadership was joined by Senate President Pro Tem Ron Richard, who also called for the governor to resign. The governor responded by saying he will not resign his position. Legislative leaders will wait for the investigative committee to complete its work. The House Speaker has said the legislature should call itself back for a special session to consider any recommendations the committee has for action against the governor. The Speaker has said his goal is for the legislature to remain focused specifically on the tasks Missourians count on its lawmakers to complete.
I am proud of the Special House Committee as they work diligently to make sure every step of justice is precisely calculated. Whether the Governor chooses to resign or not, I am confident we will see this resolved in a very responsible and expedient manner.
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