Registration is underway now through Tuesday, July 10 for the second annual Lettuce Chase, a fundraiser for Maryville’s Lettuce Dream.
The spin-off of the “Amazing Race” will start at Lettuce Dream, 1623 East Second Street, Maryville, on Saturday, July 28. Start times for the two to three hour, 100-mile adventure will be assigned to team captains before the date.
The goal is to gather 15 clues from Nodaway County places of interest and historical significance and reach the final destination where a light 1950s diner-style meal will be served.
Prizes will be awarded for best team costumes and theme names. All participants are entered into a drawing for more than $2,000 in prizes.
“I learned that there are landmarks out there that I did not know existed,” Sheila Smail, Maryville, said about her experience in 2017.
“I participated in the Lettuce Dream chase event with my sister, Sharon Adwell, my friend, Katrina Gallagher, and her sister-in-law, Cecilia Gallagher,” she said. “In the beginning, we had trouble figuring out where our first clue was, but were able to find it after talking it through.
“We experienced a few self-inflicted detours, but between the four of us we were able to complete the route without too many issues. It was a good time and was for a good cause. I hope to do it again this year,” Smail said.
Items that might be needed for the chase include a cell phone for call-in assistance and internet access, pliers, scissors, pocket knife, tweezers, rubber boots and a Nodaway County map.
The entry fee is $100 for a four-person team. For more information, visit or call 660.254.4393 or 660.582.1249 after 5 pm.
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