Pickering City Clerk Milt Sovereign announced at the November 5 Pickering City Council meeting Alderman Brad Judd would no longer be able to serve on the council.
Judd had expressed willingness to continue to serve but has moved outside of Pickering’s city limits. Sovereign verified with City Attorney David Baird that Judd would not be able to finish the one and a half years left on his term.
The position can be filled by anyone who has resided in Pickering for at least one year and is current on tax payments. If interested in the position, contact Mayor Charles Smith.
Sovereign also brought up the April 2, 2019, election. The city will need to put the street levy and two aldermen positions, currently held by Ramona Pennington and Roberta Boyd, on the ballot.
Alderman Kevin Leedom reminded Sovereign the city’s insurance is coming due and decisions need to be made at the December 3 meeting.
Smith updated the council on street improvements concerning gravel and tubes.
Leedom requested the city look into borrowing steel plates to cover the water line repair by Nodaway County Public Water Supply District on Harmon Street. The mounded gravel across the street has now sunk several inches below the payment.
With winter approaching, the city is not going to be able to do a permanent repair. Leedom is hoping the steel plates will allow vehicles to continue using the street. Smith will check with the Nodaway County Commissioners and the City of Maryville to see if there are plates which can be borrowed. Pickering does not have the money to purchase the plates.
Pennington told the council the North Nodaway school district buses are stopping at the stop signs. Smith has installed bright yellow posts at the tubes on at least two corners to keep the buses from smashing the tubes by taking the corner too sharp.
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