Fish fry is in Elmo

The Elmo Fish Fry is from 5 to 7 pm, Saturday, April 14 at the Elmo Community Building. Besides fish there will be fried chicken, potatoes, salads and drink. Cost is $9, children 12 and under are $5. Gift certificates are available. Proceeds go towards community service projects and is sponsored by the Elmo Community

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DAR announces meeting

The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) will hold the business meeting at 1 pm, Saturday, April 14 at the First United Methodist Church, 102 North Main Street, Maryville. The awards and honors ceremony will follow at 2 pm.

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Pinwheels promote kindness at St. Greg’s

To recognize April as Child Abuse Prevention Month, Children’s Division is placing 118 pinwheels at noon, Saturday, April 14 at St. Gregory’s School playground. The pinwheels represent the number of children in care and to raise awareness about child abuse. Everyone is welcome to attend.

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BJ AL holds supper

The Burlington Jct. American Legion Post will feature breaded tenderloin sandwiches at the monthly supper from 5-7 pm, Friday, April 13 at the American Legion Building in Burlington Jct. There will also be potato wedges, salad, drink and dessert. Cost is $8 for adults, children 10 and under are free.

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Maryville baseball routs Cameron at home

The Maryville Spoofhounds baseball team defeated the Cameron Dragons 17-3 on April 5 at home. Spoofhound senior Zach Patton rounds second base. He hit a double and two singles and scored three runs. For more photos and information, see the printed Nodaway News Leader.

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Elected county officials hold quarterly meeting

Nodaway County elected officials held their quarterly officeholder meeting on April 5. Nodaway County Sheriff Randy Strong updated the group on the data from his first full year in office. He reported his office had seen the following: •Homicides: 0 •Rapes: 1 •Robberies: 0 •Assaults: 41, with 29 arrests •Burglaries: 18, with 4 arrests •Larcenies:

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Nodaway-Holt proposition passes

Nodaway-Holt school district voters passed the continuation of the 89¢ levy per $100 of assessed valuation for an additional 20 years, sunsetting in 2037. In Nodaway County, 232 total votes were cast at the polls, approximately 34 percent of the school district’s registered voters. Of the votes cast, 179 voters, 77.16 percent of the votes,

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Skidmore citizens approve bond issue

The Skidmore City Council will proceed with sewer plant renovations after the 60-4 passage of the $1 million bond issue on April 3. A simple majority was needed for passage of the issue. “I’m glad that enough citizens came out and voted in favor of the sewer project,” Mayor Tracy Shewey said. “And now we’ll

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Rescue squads are here to help: Tri-C Rescue

By Kathryn Rice Local rescue squads play an important part as first responders in Nodaway County. There are six of these squads. The sixth and last article in this series is about the Tri-C Rescue Squad. • Responsibilities: The Tri-C Rescue Squad covers the Conception, Conception Jct., Clyde, Guilford and Barnard areas. Members provide medical

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