Sign-up available for Tri-C garage sales

Individuals in the Tri-C area of Clyde, Conception and Conception Jct. have until Tuesday, August 2, to sign up for the garage sales on August 5 and 6. Cost is $5, which covers maps, advertising and signs. For more information, contact Jane Walter, 660.944.2488.

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Barnard museum is open

The Barnard Depot Museum, on Highway M, Barnard, will be open, 1 to 4 pm, Sunday, July 31. The museum is open the last Sunday of the month, May through September. To view the museum at other times or for more information, contact Janet Hawley, 660.652.3587.

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Local Masons to gather

The local Masons will gather at 7:30 pm, Monday, August 3, for regular communications at the Masonic Lodge on North Main, Maryville.

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Cowboy Church set for Sunday

Cowboy Church will meet in the show arena at the Page County Fairgrounds, Clarinda, IA, at 10 am, Sunday, July 31. Joining the Cowboy Church Band will be special guest Sarah Davison from Nashville, TN.

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Spoofhounds tee off with camp

Maryville High School students attended golf camp July 18-21 on the Watson 9 course at Mozingo. The camp was open to high school boys and girls interested in golf. There were 24 students who attended this year. They focused on the short game, chipping, putting and bunker play through a series of drills. Team practice

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Maryville’s performing arts center nears completion

Construction nears completion on the approximately 19,000 square foot addition of the Maryville High School’s Performing Arts Center. The center is funded by the $10.25 million bond passed in 2014 and a $558,000 donation by Lee and Nina Schneider. The interior is mostly painted and seats in the auditorium were installed July 20. Despite heavy

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Jefferson moves forward with new gymnasium design

The Jefferson school board reviewed blueprints for the gymnasium building addition during its July 18 meeting. The board will meet with architects and designers in a special meeting later to finalize plans. Once the blueprints are approved, the board will open bids.

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South Nodaway BOE

The South Nodaway R-IV Board of Education met on July 20 to take care of the following school district business: After Bruce Johnson and Neil Branem of LJ Hart Company, St. Louis, spoke to the board regarding refinancing the $925,000 bond for the school, the board approved the issuance and delivery of the principle amount

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Nodaway Holt R-VIII met July 21 to hire personnel and accept bids. Fall City Mercantile, Fall City, NE, won the bids for bread and milk for the 2016-2017 school year. The school’s cost for milk decreased from 31¢ to 27¢ a carton while the bread price stayed the same. Jessie Prettyman was hired for the

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