Northwest Missouri State University Board of Regents heard the annual financial audit results and approved a series of geography and agriculture curriculum revisions during its regular meeting December 15.
RubinBrown, LLP, Kansas City, completed the financial audit of Northwest’s financial statements for the 2016 fiscal year, which resulted in an unmodified opinion with no deficiencies or material weaknesses.
Northwest Provost Dr. Timothy Mottet presented the regents with a package of 56 curriculum revisions ranging from changing course credit hours and course names to the creation of new courses.
The approved revisions include creating an undergraduate program in geographic information systems (GIS) to provide pre-professional education. Students who earn the certificate may use core courses to progress in program minor, major and graduate studies.
Northwest will also add seven courses to its school of agricultural sciences.
Among several faculty appointments approved was Marcus McGee as a full-time agricultural science instructor. Other appointments were adjunct professors. Mottet noted that 16 percent of the Northwest staff is adjunct while most universities are over 50 percent. Regent John Richmond asked the percentage of minorities represented in the faculty. Thirteen percent are international individuals and three percent are domestic minorities, Mottet said.
Mottet announced that Northwest has signed an agreement with online vendor Academic Partnerships to develop and deliver online programs to students. Through the partnership, which the Regents approved in October, Northwest will receive assistance with instructional design, marketing, recruiting and retaining students, and providing credentialed faculty to help teach courses as the volume of students increase.
In other business, the regents approved an agreement with the Missouri Securities Investment Program (MOSIP). The program helps school districts and municipalities meet cash flow and investment needs and it is another opportunity for Northwest to invest funds, Northwest Vice President of Finance Stacy Carrick said.
Bylaw revisions were accepted that delegate responsibility to secretary of the board for setting the time of the regents meetings and allowing the president to set leadership team salaries.
Reports were given by leaders of several campus organizations.
President Dr. John Jasinski updated the regents on possible changes coming from the state’s higher education coordinating board, leadership team members meeting with Senator Dan Hegeman and Representative Allen Andrews and the National Championship football game.
The regents went into closed session to discuss real estate and personnel issues.
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