Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Bob Stiens, Chris Burns, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.

Commissioner Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 11/10/2020. The motion passed.

Public Comment: None

Approved: Transfer of sick leave time between employees. Accounts Payable: Checks #77329-77461.

The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Sales Tax/Use Tax/Road and Bridge Special Sales Tax Report.

Reviewed and signed a drone policy for Historical Preservation Grant. Sent the policy on to Kim Mildward, Regional Council of Governments.

At 9 am, sealed bids were presented with one sealed bid for the video conferencing equipment. The bid was from Northwest Audio Visual. Stiens made a motion to accept the bid as presented. All were in favor. A call was put in to Northwest Audio Visual to move forward.

The commission, along with Ed Walker, road and bridge supervisor, discussed the brush law and reviewed information that was pulled per FEMA request with a letter being signed for Ayan Batuk, PA program delivery manager. Reviewed the FY2020 revenues and expenses for the road and bridge department.

The commission discussed moving the Employee Appreciation Luncheon to the third floor to allow for social distancing. Tabled the discussion for now as we need to wait to get numbers from office holders on who will be in attendance.

Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer, gave the commission a brief update of CARES Act funds spent and outstanding invoices. Also discussed the amount they may want to pay the Maryville Chamber and Nodaway County Economic Development. Northwest Missouri State University’s John Jasinski and Matt Baker met with the commission to review the expenses they have incurred and how they have spent the allocation of CARES funds the county has given them. Jasinski requested another $665,000 if funds are available.

Superintendent Chris Turpin, North Nodaway School, called in to regarding information Governor Parson just discussed on a press conference. Turpin asked the commission to consider writing a letter of support to school boards or making a declaration regarding social distance and masks. Burns stated the commission would need to discuss and likely get legal counsel for.

Stiens made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.

The commission took a call from Ryan Choquette, Teneska – Clear Creek Wind project, to review the punch list that had been emailed. An inspection of Road #101 in Union Township and Roads #98, 99 in Atchison Township were made as a part of the punch list review.

Burns made a motion for the commission to adjourn until 11/17/2020.