At the March 23 NOCOMO Industries Board of Directors meeting, Workshop Manager Nicki Samson said she was doing the preparation work to hire more certified employees.
Some will be returning employees and at least three are under age 25. Samson will have to coordinate with the state’s Voc Rehab on the under 25.
With the removal of the Maryville city mask mandate, the board agreed through consensus to keep employees wearing masks. It will be taken under consideration at the May meeting. All other COVID-19 precautions are remaining at the workshop.
Samson said over 50 percent of the certified employees have received their COVID vaccinations. Samson is waiting to receive the vaccination until after the birth of her grandchild in April.
President Dave Lawyer said February was a “rock solid month” on the financial report. Even with COVID, the workshop should be in the black at the end of the 2020-21 fiscal year. Expenses remain steady, with income fluctuating month-to-month.
Samson said material expenses are going up and the NOCOMO will have to increase prices.
The workshop is still providing recycling, but is no longer picking up recyclables because of the lack of staff. NOCOMO has five trailers which Samson is unsure will be used. The board approved the donation of one trailer to the New Nodaway Humane Society Animal Shelter for its aluminum can recycling project. This donation is contingent on the humane society’s board’s approval.
At the May 25 meeting, the board will handle the election of officers and approval of the annual budget. The budget is based on the previous year’s actual expenses and income.
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