Missouri Governor Jay Nixon appointed Jerry Genochio, Democrat, Kansas City; Matt Kitzi, Democrat, Columbia; Roxanna R. Swaney, Republican, Liberty and Janay Orange, Kansas City, to the Northwest Missouri State University Board of Regents.
A 1991 graduate of Northwest, Genochio currently serves as the producing director for the Kansas City Repertory Theatre. He was production manager for the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, PlayMakers Repertory Company and the Sacramento Theatre Company. Genochio was an adjunct associate professor for the graduate MFA programs at the University of Alabama and the University of North Carolina. His term ends January 1, 2017.
A 1997 graduate of Northwest, Kitzi is a partner at the Armstrong Teasdale law firm and serves as co-chair of the firm’s emerging companies practice group and securities regulatory and litigation practice group. In 2005, Kitzi was appointed by then-Secretary of State Robin Carnahan as commissioner of securities. He oversaw the Missouri securities division and led efforts to protect Missouri investors until 2012. His term ends January 1, 2023.
A Northwest graduate, Swaney has worked for CenturyLink since 1999 and has held multiple positions within the company, including her current position as lead sourcing analyst. She is a past president of the ArtsTech Board, a past president of the Institute for Supply Management-Kansas City and the former president of the Clay County Parks and Recreation Board. Her term ends January 1, 2023.
A graduate of Oak Park High School, Kansas City, Orange is a Northwest student majoring in public relations with a minor in criminal justice. She is a university student manager and a student security officer. Oranges’s term ends December 31, 2017.
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