This past week Janet Hawley, one of Nodaway County’s noted historians, dropped by the Nodaway News Leader office with a copy of “Travelogue of Nodaway County 1916.”

To say this is a great read is an understatement. The 31-page booklet was written by Vernon Nash, editor of The Democrat Forum, in July and August 1916. This was Nash’s personal account of his travels around Nodaway County in his Ford with traveling companion, Marion F. Smith with the hopes his readership would get acquainted with the county’s towns and most importantly many citizens.

Nash included an advertorial in his first chapter.

“Woope! Ford’s Cheaper”

Come on now, all you would-be auto owners with small pocketbooks, listen ye! Hearken to this sweet piece of news.”

Ford touring cars will be $80 cheaper beginning tomorrow morning. The Ford roadsters will be $55 cheaper. The prices for the next year, therefore, will be $360 for the touring car and $345 for the roadster. This is the price FOB in Detroit. The freight rate per car had been $22.25 during the last year will be about the same again, although the contract has not been signed by the Barmann Auto Company of Maryville, Ford dealers here.”

The former prices were $440 and $390. The new price is guaranteed against a decrease for the next 12 months, but no guarantee against a raise is given. It is believed that Henry Ford will realize his ambition this year of bringing his total production up to a half-million.”

To keep history correct, Henry Ford’s company built his millionth car in December 1915.

Nash’s self-proclaimed “chatty” writings, so indicative of the time in print journalism is a wide-eyed look at what our county was like in the summer of 1916.

“These 15 chapters are delightful,” said Kay Wilson, NNL publisher-owner. “We are so happy to be able to share them with our readers 105 years later. Watch for the installments throughout the summer in your Nodaway News Leader.

The first feature will be in next week’s edition with the title of “Chatty Notes along the BJ road.”