Laura Street Baptist Church has opened ticket sales for its 17th annual mystery dinner theatre.
This year’s play, “Tick Tock Trouble,” is set in 1939. The plot follows the escapades of a few hobos as they make their way to the World Fair where they are accused of theft.
The play, written by Becky McKim, is clean with humor that children and adults can enjoy, making the show a family event.
It takes the coordination of approximately 100 volunteers to make the show a success, including set design, costuming, dinner preparation, actors and more. Spectators can expect to hear time period music and be surrounded by 1939 decor. The audience will be served a nice meal including dessert. After the play, the pastor will share a short message.
“Dinner theatre is a fun time we put together for our community, bringing together friends and families to share laughs, community and a moment with the word of God,” Pastor Paul McKim said.
The play is at 6:30 pm, November 14-17, at Laura Street Baptist Church. Tickets are $9 which includes dinner. There will be a desert only showing at 7 pm, November 12. Tickets for that are $2.50. Tickets may be purchased in the church office. For more information, call 660.582.7500.
The dinner theatre is not a fundraising event for the church. The ticket price covers the cost of the materials needed to produce the show and ingredients for the meal.
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