The Maryville Parks and Recreation board heard a proposal from Northwest Missouri State Athletic Director Mel Tjeerdsma and Maryville City Manager Greg McDanel during its regular meeting on August 4.
Tjeerdsma and McDanel presented a proposal for a partnership between Northwest, the city and MPR to support a five percent transient guest tax. The tax would apply to all hotel rooms rented, keeping the tax burden off the local population.
An economic impact study suggested the tax would generate $215,000. The city would pledge $150,000 of that annual revenue to cover the cost of building a 140,000 square-foot indoor training facility at Northwest. A tourism committee would determine the use of the additional $65,000 in revenue.
The board decided to support the venture. If approved by the city council, the tax will be placed on the November ballot.
In other business, the board approved the 2016-17 budget, financial report expenditures, the July 7 minutes and allowing the Maryville Lions Clubs to place a Freedom Rock at Franklin Park.
Maryville Community Center report:
• Attendance for July was 11,788, down from 12,570 in July 2015.
• The child watch area has been updated with a safari animal theme. A safety gate and alarm have been installed on the door.
• There were several rentals in July and more planned for August.
Director Aaron Dobson’s report:
• An individual is interested in refurbishing the Donaldson Westside Park batting cage and is working with Dobson on financing.
• Dobson is researching Sisson-Eek Park renovation options. He met with Jeremy Ingraham, Northwest Technical School director, to discuss utilizing students for the project.
• The Maryville Wal-Mart donated $400 in plant material including trees, shrubs and ground cover.
• Staff decided it will be more efficient to switch the locations of the weight room and exercise room. The exercise room is vacant 11 out of the 18 hours the facility is open, while the weight room is in constant use. The move should begin in September.
• Park maintenance continues. Debris was cleared from July’s wind storm. Staff used the city’s roller to remove infield high spots. More dirt has been added to the Sisson-Eek playground and grass seed and straw have been put over the dirt work. Holes in the north concrete bridge at Judah Park have been patched.
The next regular meeting is September 1.
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