The Mozingo Advisory Board approved proposed rate increases to golf, camping and cabin prices at the Mozingo Lake Recreation Park during the October 17 meeting.
Golf supplies’ costs have increased. Chemicals have increased 30 to 100 percent. Sand has increased 20 percent.
Proposed Sechrest 18 Daily Rates
• 18 holes – Student and seniors, Monday through Thursday, $23, a $3 increase; Friday through Sunday, $25, a $2 increase; others, weekday, $27, a $2 increase and weekend, $30, a $2 increase.
• With cart – Student and seniors, Monday through Thursday, $38, a $3 increase; Friday through Sunday, $40, a $2 increase; others, weekday, $42, a$2 increase and weekend, $45, a $2 increase.
• Nine holes – Student and seniors, Monday through Thursday, $16, $3 increase; Friday through Sunday, $18, a $2 increase; others, weekday, $20, a $2 increase and weekend, $22, a $2 increase.
• With cart – Student and seniors, Monday through Thursday, $26, a $3 increase; Friday through Sunday, $28, a $2 increase; others, weekday, $30, a $2 increase and weekend, $32, a$2 increase.
Proposed Sechrest 18 Season Passes Rates
• Base rate – Five day, $500, a $50 increase. Seven day, $700, a $45 increase. Five day, senior, $450, a $75 increase. Seven day, senior, $600, a $25 increase. Couples pass, $900, a $50 increase. Student, $250, a $40 increase.
• Cart (add on) – Five day, $400, a $30 increase. Seven day, $500, a $50 increase. Five day, senior, $400, a$30 increase. Seven day, senior, $500, a $50 increase. Couples pass, $700, a $75 increase. Student, $200, a $10 increase.
Proposed Special Sechrest 18 Rates
• Weekday Early Bird, $35, a $3 increase. Weekend Twilight, $29, a $3 increase. Driving range small bucket, $4, a $2 increase. Driving range medium bucket, $8, a $6 increase. Driving range large bucket, $10, a $2 increase.
There has been a large cost increase from United Electric as well as water prices have also increased over the past few years. The last change in camping prices was in 2017.
Proposed Camping Rates
• Electric only, $25 a night. Electric and water, $25 a night in off season, $30 a night in peak season. Water, electric and sewer, $30 a night in off season, $35 a night in peak season. Equestrian RV, $25 a night, a $7 increase. Tent camping, $15 a night in peak season, a $5 increase. Reserved camping has an additional $10 fee.
Electric and water prices have gone up and the last increase in cabin prices was 2017.
Proposed Cabin Rates
• Cabin six. Off season, Sunday through Thursday, $75. Off season, Friday through Saturday, $95. Peak season, Sunday through Thursday, $100. Peak season, Friday through Saturday, $120.
• Cabins one, two, three. Off season, Sunday through Thursday, $90, a $15 increase. Off season, Friday through Saturday, $110, a $15 increase. Peak season, Sunday through Thursday, $120, a $20 increase. Peak season, Friday through Saturday, $140, a $20 increase.
• Cabin four, Off season, Sunday through Thursday, $140, a $20 increase. Off season, Friday through Saturday, $160, a $15 increase. Peak season, Sunday through Thursday, $170, a $25 increase. Peak season, Friday through Saturday, $190, a $20 increase.
• Cabins five and seven. Off season, Sunday through Thursday, $170, a $30 increase. Off season, Friday through Saturday, $190, a $30 increase. Peak season, Sunday through Thursday, $200, a $30 increase. Peak season, Friday through Saturday, $230, a $40 increase.
• Cabin eight. Off season, Sunday through Thursday, $200, a $30 increase. Off season, Friday through Saturday, $220, a $20 increase. Peak season, Sunday through Thursday, $240, a $40 increase. Peak season, Friday through Saturday, $260, a $30 increase.
These proposed price increases will now go to a vote from the Maryville City Council for consideration.
Park Director Jordyn Greenhaw gave her report to the board. White Cloud Construction has finished up the water lines with the RV Park Expansion. The Haunted Campground went well with a large number in attendance.
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