Nodaway County Health Department Administrator, Tom Patterson, announces one
Nodaway County, Missouri resident has tested positive for the novel coronavirus
 719 confirmed cases
 52 active cases
 658 released from isolation
 20 total hospitalizations
 3 current hospitalizations
 9 deaths
The affected individuals include:
 1 female between 40-49 years of age
The Nodaway County Health Department is currently working to notify those that
have been deemed close contacts. If you are not contacted by the health department,
then you are not considered a close contact with these individuals and not at increased
risk for this virus.
There is continued community transmission of COVID-19. The health department
strongly urges the public to practice social distancing by maintaining six (6) feet of
separation, to limit in-person interactions, and to practice good handwashing and
hygiene. Please avoid touching your face. Please clean phones, devices, and contact
surfaces frequently. The health department also recommends wearing a mask when
social distancing cannot be achieved.
If you are sick with a fever or chills, cough,