Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Present: Walker, Chris Burns, Scott Walk, associate commissioners, and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Commissioner Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 4/29/2021. The motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Approved: Clerk’s fee report for April 2021, recorder’s fee report for April 2021, inventory transfer for prosecuting attorney’s office.
Accounts Payable: Checks #78412-78445.
Requisitions: Road and bridge to Gray Oil for diesel.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: certificate of training for Public Administrator Dee O’Riley, 2020 Missouri Association of Counties (MAC) trust workers’ compensation audit report
Sheriff Randy Strong approached the commission regarding the starting salary for deputies. Strong requested the commission consider changing the starting wage for deputies. Collector/Treasurer Marilyn Jenkins was also present to discuss a change to the salary schedule as a whole. The group discussed forming a committee to work on salary schedules for the future.
Tammy Carter, human resources director, discussed FEMA Project #123429, which is Road #457 that is Noble Road in Jackson Township. This project has received a denial for repayment of the project. Carter is working on an appeal letter and has been working with Angie Mengwasser, State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) for guidance on the appeal letter.
A call was taken from a resident of Polk Township regarding a tube project on Old Highway CC. Resident was referred to Mark Wilson, Polk Township road supervisor.
The commission, along with Carter, discussed the open facility maintenance technician spot and candidates they have interviewed.
Carter is setting up CPR training for staff due to have certificates expiring.
Walk took inventory of offices at the Courthouse potentially in need of smoke detectors. All codes are met, no new detectors are needed.
David Hickman, president of Health Insurance Cooperative Agency (HIC) met with the commission and Carter regarding what HIC has to offer Nodaway County. The commission requested information from Hickman on comparable government offices to review.
The commission inspected Road #178 in Hopkins Township.
Strata Architecture employees were on-site to continue their historical preservation research on the Courthouse files and building.
Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
The paperwork for the road and bridge purchase of a 2021 John Deere 524L wheel loader was signed with Ben Aldrich of Murphy Tractor and Equipment. The equipment was delivered to the road and bridge building today.
The commission met with an applicant of for the open facility maintenance technician position. The position was offered and accepted by Pam Miller.
Brent Stephens, Northwest Workforce Development Board, stopped in to discuss the processes of the Workforce Development Board.
The commissioners met with Sheriff Strong, Captain Austin Hann and Jenkins discussed the current salary schedule. All county officeholders are invited to be on the committee.
Walk made a motion for the commission to adjourn until 5/6/2021.
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