Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Bob Stiens, Chris Burns, associate commissioners; Walker and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Stiens made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 5/7/2020 with a correction to a bridge number. The motion passed.
The following were approved: invoice from Midland GIS Solutions; requisitions, Road and Bridge to Gray Oil for diesel; accounts payable, checks #76164-76188.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: emails regarding COVID-19 from FEMA, Nodaway County Health and emergency manager, investment report.
Ed Walker, road and bridge supervisor, discussed the progress of various county projects and reviewed email from Andy Macias, Snyder & Associates, on FEMA Bridge #0085006. Electronically signed a scope and cost review for FEMA Bridge #0085006, Project #123424.
Returned a call to a resident regarding 160th Street rock and maintenance issues. A call was put into Philip Auffert, trustee for Independence Township, to discuss.
Sheriff Randy Strong gave a report to the commission.
Courthouse yard cleanup was confirmed from 7 am to noon, Saturday, May 16, weather permitting, with the Maryville High School football team.
Ron Scroggie and Blake De la Fuenta of Enel, met with the commission to discuss an issue they are having and alternative ideas/options. Scroggie and De la Fuenta will get with the commission and a date will be set up with Enel, the commission and the landowner.
Burns made a motion to commission adjourn for lunch. The motion passed.
Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer, discussed with the commission a policy on CARES funds and the intergovernmental agreement. Burns made a motion to accept the policy as presented. The motion passed. The intergovernmental agreement has been tabled for Thursday. Also discussed courthouse cleaning when they open back up.
Inspected bridge #120 in Union Township and reconstruction road #356 in Nodaway Township.
Burns made a motion to commission adjourn until 5/14/2020.
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