During the August 23 meeting of the Maryville City Council, there were several open seats on boards of citizens that were filled.
The council approved the appointments of Scott Kuhlemeyer to Maryville Public Library Board of Trustees, Bryan Nigh to the public arts committee and Billie Mackey to the board of zoning adjustment and also as an alternate board of code appeals as well as reappointment of Bill Ingels and Brian Schmitz for three year terms.
Prior to the open meeting, there were two public hearings.
The first was to consider rezoning a property located at 214 Volunteer Avenue from M-1 light industrial to R-4 multi-family residence zone. No one spoke from the audience.
The second was in regard to the levy and collection of tax on the real estate and personal property in the city. No one spoke during this hearing either.
Later in the open session, both ordinances were approved by the council; allowing the rezoning of the 3.35 acre tract of land to be developed into two 16-plex apartments and setting the tax levies: the general fund, 35.7¢; library, 27.4¢; parks and recreation, 30.12¢ and debt retirement, 9.65¢ per $100 assessed valuation.
The Maryville Public Art Committee requested the closure of Main Street from Second to Fifth and Third and Fourth Streets from Market to Buchanan for the Fifth Annual Arts Rhythm and Brews from 1 to 4 pm, Saturday, October 23. Council approved.
Other business included:
• Heard a presentation from Public Safety Director Ron Christian who recognized Lt. Mike Stolte for graduating from the School of Police Staff and Command at Northwestern University with a straight 4.0 grade point average.
• Amended the contract with Evergy Missouri West for relocation of power distribution facilities underground for the South Main Corridor Improvement Project, Phase I at a cost of $1,125,104 to the city, which will be paid by the certificates of participation that were issued in early 2021.
• Executed a contract with Estate Management Services of Missouri for vegetation management services at Mozingo Lake for algicide application at $53,350 to come from the water/sewer fund and Mozingo recreation fund.
City Manager Greg McDanel spoke about the progress of the South Main Corridor Improvement Project with the low bid coming from VF Anderson, Harrisonville, at $10.697 million for the Phase I of the South Main Corridor Improvement Project with construction to begin mid-September, Mozingo Lake’s GAC Adsorber project to be operational before the November 1 deadline, and the Northwest Missouri Regional Airport primary surface obstruction removal construction bids to come by September 7. He also talked about the continuation of work on the $2.3 million of the American Recovery Funds that the city will receive, storm water damage on the South Avenue and the city received three bids for golf cart lease for Mozingo Lake Golf course.
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