Maryville’s Lettuce Dream will be hosting The Amazing Lettuce Chase, an event similar to the popular TV series The Amazing Race, later this summer.
The Amazing Lettuce Chase will start and end at Lettuce Dream’s production facility, 1623 East Second, Maryville. Upon completion of the chase, participants will be offered refreshments and an opportunity to tour the Lettuce Dream greenhouse.
Team starting times will be staggered and teams are offered a choice of starting times between 10 am and 1:30 pm. The entry fee is $100 per four-person team with an entry deadline of Wednesday, July 12. Teams may register online at Registration forms are also available from the organization’s board members and will be available later at several local businesses.
On the TV show, contestants embark on a series of adventures following clues that take them around the world. The Amazing Lettuce Chase is not a race. Rather, it is a clue-to-clue adventure which takes participants on a five-hour trip visiting historical and interesting places in Nodaway County. All participants receive free gifts and are entered in a drawing for more than $4,000 worth of prizes, including dinner theater tickets, sports ticket packages, gift baskets, restaurant dinners, Spoofhound and Bearcat apparel and much more.
Proceeds from the event enable Lettuce Dream to fulfill its mission of providing training opportunities for young adults with cognitive or developmental disabilities. Lettuce Dream is a non-profit enterprise with a square-foot greenhouse and production facility growing hydroponic lettuce and herbs for wholesale distribution to grocery stores, restaurants, schools, hospitals and nursing homes. Lettuce Dream was organized in 2013.
Diane Francis, Lettuce Dream president, said, “I hope that everyone in the community, young and old alike, will participate in this fun and worthwhile challenge. The Amazing Lettuce Chase is something new and different for the community and offers a unique opportunity to have an enjoyable experience and support a great cause.”
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