Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 3/24/2022. The motion passed.
Requisitions: Road and bridge to Primrose Oil Company for supplies.
Public comment: None.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: MAC Legislative Alert re: Proposal to repeal/pause gas tax; email from Jose Rodriguez, Snyder & Associates on BRO-Bo74(62 payments.
The commission attended a meeting hosted by the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce for community leaders and larger employers. The group discussed needs in Nodaway County.
Andy Macias, Snyder and Associates, called to check the commissioner’s schedule to coordinate a time to inspect BRO-B074(62). Macias will call back to confirm the time and date. Macias will not be able to attend today’s bridge bid opening and asked that the bids be emailed to him.
The commission discussed three roads in Atchison Township to be added due to improvements from windmill work. CART Rock contracts for Norris Quarries and Schildberg Construction were reviewed, approved and signed. The contracts will be sent to the vendor for signature.
Copies of the documents for management cost for FEMA #4451, Project #168541 in the amount of $5,474.97 were submitted to the commission by Tammy Carter.
Only one bid was received for the bridge bids. The bid was from Oden Enterprises, LLC. Walk made a motion to accept the bid as presented. All were in favor. The bid was also sent to Macias at Snyder & Associates.
Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
Brent Stevens, regional workforce development director met with the commission to update on proposed changes in the region. The proposed change would combine the northwest and northeast.
At 2:28, Walk made a motion to go into closed session pursuant to Sunshine Law 610.021 (3) for personnel. Walker seconded, all were in favor. The commission, along with Carter, human resource director, conducted an exit interview with Caleb Oliver, road and bridge employee. Walk made a motion to go out of closed session at 3:04. Walker seconded, all were in favor.
The commissioners attended a public forum to discuss broadband access.
Walk made a motion to adjourn until 3/31/2022.
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