The United Way of Nodaway County is officially kicking-off its 2017-18 campaign with a breakfast from 7:30 to 8:30 am, Friday, September 15 at the Nodaway County Senior Center, 1210 East First Street, Maryville.
The official United Way campaign runs from September 1 to October 31, but fundraising happens all year. The goal for the 2017-18 campaign is $85,000, the same as last year.
The following partner agencies will benefit: The Source Medical Center, The Ministry Center, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nodaway County, Nodaway County Community Building, Nodaway County school nurses, Nodaway County 4-H Council, Nodaway County Senior Center, Girl Scouts of NE Kansas and NW Missouri, Pony Express Council Boys Scouts, Health Emergency Lifeline Program and Community Services, Inc.
Campaign flyers will hit Nodaway County mailboxes during the week of September 18. Donors may contribute by sending payments to PO Box 164, Maryville, MO 64468, or online at
Other opportunities to support United Way include:
• An item raffle and 50/50 raffle during Maryville High School’s Spoofhound football game on Friday, September 15, at the Hound Pound.
• Taco John’s Crunch for a Cause, 5 to 7 pm, Thursday, October 19 at Taco John’s, 1015 South Main Street, Maryville. Must mention United Way when ordering.
To help United Way contributors understand how their donations will be used, the Nodaway News Leader is featuring a partner agency each week.
The first agency to be showcased is The Source Medical Center, 2613 South Main Street, Maryville.
The Source provides free, confidential medical and sexual health services including parenting classes, education for expecting parents, ultrasounds and pregnancy tests.
After a baby is born, The Source helps with diapers and other necessary baby items. The agency also talks about prevention and healthy relationships in area schools.
Through the help that The Source receives from the United Way, the agency is able to bring in nationally-known speakers. The last week of September, Shelly Donahue will speak to schools in Nodaway, Atchison and Holt counties about healthy choices and risk avoidance.
“We’re really thankful for the help we receive from United Way,” Gwen Knowles, director, said. “Over 80 percent of the people we serve are in Maryville.”
A success story that The Source wants to share is “a young mom came to us when she was four months pregnant. She began parenting classes and after two classes, the father of the baby joined her.
“Together, they completed eight classes, receiving education and goods at each class period as well as a pack-in-play at the end. They have repeatedly thanked us as they did not have a bed and were extremely worried about how they were going to provide for their infant.
“They called us as soon as she delivered, excited to share the news. When the baby was about three months, she returned to take another session of the support classes. We have seen many clients return again, which is the greatest compliment.”
The clinic is open from 10 am to 3 pm, Monday and Thursday, or by appointment. For more information or to contact The Source, visit, email or call 660.215.3024.
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