The Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments (RCOG) is hosting the first gathering in a series of meetings focusing on Nodaway County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan.
The kickoff meeting will be at 6 pm, Wednesday, January 24 at the Nodaway County Administration Building in the conference room. All interested citizens and public officials of Nodaway County are invited to attend.
Nodaway County is susceptible to many types of natural hazards. Tornadoes, winter storms and droughts have shaped the landscape, history and economy of the county. Hazard mitigation planning is the process of devising strategies to lessen the impact, or in some instances, eliminate the damages associated with these potential disasters. The plan, funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the communities of Nodaway County, will utilize a committee of first responders, elected officials and public volunteers to gather community- and county-specific information.
The plan, currently under revision by the county and RCOG, is a requirement to access federal mitigation funds in the event of a natural disaster. The committee will discuss existing hazards, community profiles and the general plan update process.
An RSVP is requested for anyone planning to attend. Contact Linda Laderoute at RCOG, 660.582.5121, or by email at with questions and RSVPs.
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