More than 4,500 first-year FFA members from more than 320 Missouri high schools had the opportunity to learn about being positive role models, making sound choices, becoming active team members and making a positive difference in their lives, school and community at the recent annual Greenhand Motivational Conferences.
MFA Incorporated and FFA state officers conducted 19 Greenhand Motivational Conferences in the state. Seated are: Vice President Dakota Allen, Fairfax; Past Secretary Jacqueline Janorschke, DeKalb; Vice President Elizabeth Knipp, Tipton; Vice President Ben Luebbering, Fatima; State Secretary Sydnee Mason, Marshall; and Vice President Aaron Mott, Columbia. Jefferson FFA Greenhands standing are: Levi Burch, Chelsea Greer, Sydnee Deen, Kaylee Hamilton, Trey Holtman, Malia Collins and Trever McQueen.
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