The school board voted to raise the prices of school lunches 5¢ for the 2016-2017 school year, in a six to one vote with Jeff Farnan voting no. The new lunch prices will be $2 for elementary, $2.10 for high school and $2.70 for adults. Currently, the school has more food service expenditures than revenue. The increase in prices will cover the cost of expenditures and allow for replacing the school’s convection oven.
Superintendent Tim Jermain gave the building project update. Ellison-Auxier Architects Inc., St. Joseph, will bring blueprints for the building project to the July meeting. Jefferson alumni with engineering degrees will review the plans. Two weeks after board approval of the blueprints, bids will be let. The board will have a bid opening meeting.
Members discussed adding an entrance to the school from the gravel road for use during construction. Jermain will meet again with the school’s neighbors to discuss plans. Previous meetings with neighbors revealed a resistance to the idea. Construction is projected to begin by the start of the school year.
Summer work updates included:
•Richard Jensen, Stanberry, did tile work in the elementary boys bathroom for $487. The delivered tiles were the wrong color, however, they had to be used because the glue had already been applied. Jermain said the floor tiles look better than the original color that had been chosen.
•The Agricultural shop needs some repairs.
•Front tires purchased for the school van from Westfork Tire and Auto LL, Stanberry, for $264. New tires are needed for the handicap bus.
•A washer and dryer was purchased for $85 to replace the older set.
The board approved the student reimbursement of $25 per credit hour for dual credit classes taken with North Central Missouri College.
A transfer of $100,000 from fund one to fund four was approved. This money will be available for capital projects, not for general operation.
The board approved the job addition of junior high school assistant girls softball coach with the stipend of $610 and approved Danae Schieber for the position.
The school board approved the 2016-2017 budget as well as policy updates with the exception of policy EBAC. This policy addresses the use of chemicals in pest control. The board felt it was irrelevant since this service is performed by an outside company.
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