The Hopkins City Council approved a resolution to allow City Clerk Dee O’Riley to apply for a Missouri Department of Natural Resources Rural Sewer Grant which could pay for up to 50 percent of the lagoon project.
The grant is awarded on a first come, first served basis as long as the project qualifies and funds are available.
The council requested the citizen who had made an anonymous complaint to refile the complaint and include their name on it. The council will not act on anonymous complaints.
Operator Chris Bird reported the setup for Advanced Microbial Solutions, LLC, Carthage, TX, to begin the sludge removal at the lagoon has been completed except for problems with the Wifi. He is hoping to have a solution by the week of August 10.
All hydrants have been received, Bird is waiting until the lagoon project is underway to finish installing the hydrants. He is estimating September.
He is also delaying the water tower maintenance until September. The water tower will need to be emptied and taken out of service for two-to-three days. Bird is discussing with Chief Operator Jack Baldwin when the best time will be.
The tax rate hearing was conducted and the maximum allowed was set by the council. This will be sent to the state for final approval.
Liens on seven properties will be filed with Nodaway County. The properties are 204 South Fourth Street, 402 East McPherson, 501 South Second Street, 306 South Third Street, 405 South Third Street, 407 East Morehouse and 207 South Fourth Street.
An addendum to the contract of the city selling three parcels of land to M & M Pub and Grub, LLC, was approved. The addendum added the legal description for the third parcel of land and changed the closing date to August 14.
Ordinance number 471 was approved after three readings. The ordinance vacates the public street of Third Street from Ada Street to Cora Street. The city will reserve easement. The adjoining owners will receive the property.
O’Riley will inquire of the city attorney what the cost will be to send letters to 39 residents of Hopkins who have not purchased dog tags. The tags should have been purchased by July.
The contract with the New Nodaway Humane Society was signed.
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