At the May 15 meeting, the Nodaway County Health Center board and Administrator Tom Patterson shared background information for the new board members, Chris Turpin and Jayne Vest.

Patterson will bring copies of the last audit and information about the ongoing projects at the health center to the June meeting. The meeting dates and times will also be a topic of conversation.

The state offers board orientation which takes 1.5 to two hours. The state sends someone to give the orientation. It also gives the health center points which could help in the next round of incentive funding.

The new generator has been ordered by the contractor and a time frame to be completed by November. The health center will receive reimbursement from the ELC Cares ED contract for the generator.

In Tabitha Frank’s nurse’s report there were 19 COVID, 32 influenza A, and 14 influenza B cases in April.

Patterson reported, “We are in bat season as specimen submissions have increased. We can submit bats for rabies testing to MO DHSS Public Health Laboratory if there was human or pet exposure, or potential exposure.

“However, we do not want ‘found’ bats brought in or multiple bats brought in from the same person as it would strain the state lab’s resources. Bats are entering attics and structures this season and if bats are being found the owner should take precautions and try to have entry points blocked or repaired. We can’t send everything to the state lab.”

The board is going to look at upgrading the conference room with audio/visual components. Patterson handed out a basic drawing for the members to consider. There is $5,000 in the budget, discussion was held on raising it to $10,000. The project will need to be bid out. It will be taken up at the June meeting.