Draft horse pull draws crowd
Cody Gray, Villisca, IA, led his horses Rex and Baldy. The team won second place. Gray has competed at the Pickering draft horse pull for 12 years. He wrangled his first team at age nine.
Ten-year-old, Sydney Whipple, daughter of Tiffany and Kevin Whipple, Pickering, sang the National Anthem at the opening ceremonies.
Cowboy Kelly Johnson gave stagecoach rides and spoke about the Butterfield Overland Mail Trail. The 2,500-mile trail began in Tipton and ended in San Francisco, CA. Drivers had 25 days to get the mail across the trail. They were only late once. “I bring this here because I want people to understand what it took for people to get where they were going back then,” Johnson said.
Marty Mincer, Hamburg, IA, played saloon style piano music.
John McClurg, Pickering, drove his tractor while 11-year-old, Ellaina Renfro, daughter of Jody and Brad Renfro, Pickering, welcomed riders. The pair ran a hay-wagon shuttle from the parking lot to the pulling arena.
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