The 2016 docudrama was held at the Maryville High School bus barn. Each year, first responders stage a car accident to educate area sophomores on the dangers of drunk driving. The scene showed a collision and students watched it unfold as emergency personnel attend to the victims. “The kids do such a good job that you feel like you are in the moment. If you have reached one kid, you’ve done something,” Phil Rickabaugh, fire division captain, said. “Kids think they are invincible. We try to touch them and change their thought process.”
Docudrama4: Andrew Freemyer, Ravenwood, plays the driver while Joshua Sanders, Maryville, sits in the back seat. “It’s a wake up call so they can see what really happened,” Sanders, said.
Top: Grant Meyer, Conception, lays on the ground while firefighters cover Daegan Jones, West Nodaway, as the two play dead during the scene.
Above: Highway Patrolman Dale Reuter addressed the students saying he has made 32 visits to families this year telling them their loved ones have died.
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