The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) announced statewide results for district Annual Performance Reports (APR) for the 2017-18 school year with all Nodaway County schools receiving the Accredited level.
This year’s APR data reflected a slightly heavier focus on non-academic factors such as college and career readiness, attendance and graduation rates.
Nodaway County scores
South Nodaway R-IV scored 118 out of 118, or 100 percent, for the second straight year. Jefferson C-123 also scored 118 out of 118, or 100 percent, after achieving a 98.6 percent last year. These districts were two of only 40 schools in the state to receive perfect scores.
Although it technically can’t be compared to last year due to calculation changes (see below), West Nodaway R-I saw the biggest increase from last year. The district scored 114 out of 120 or 95 percent up from 73.9 percent last year.
North Nodaway R-VI also had a big increase, scoring 110 out of 118 or 93.2 percent, up from 78.3 percent last year.
Northeast Nodaway R-V scored 115.5 out of 118 or 97.9 percent which is down slightly from last year’s 98.6 percent.
Maryville R-II scored 116.5 out of 120 or 97.1 percent which is down slightly from last year’s 98.2 percent.
Nodaway-Holt R-VII scored 106.1 out of 118 or 89.9 percent which is up slightly from last year’s 88.8 percent.
What is APR?
The APR combines five performance standards – academic achievement, subgroup achievement, college and career readiness, attendance and graduation rate – to show how districts are meeting newly-revised state standards.
To be fully accredited, districts have to receive at least 70 percent of the total possible points, which differ from district to district. Provisionally accredited districts fall between 50 to 69.9 percent and unaccredited districts fall below 49.9 percent.
District scores can’t be directly compared due to differences in size and student demographics and also can’t be compared to previous years due to Missouri School Improvement Program calculation changes.
Academic achievement is worth the majority of the points and is determined by how a district’s students scored on the state standardized tests for English language arts, math and social studies. Science was not reflected this year due to a field test given during the 2017-18 school year. New science assessments will be administered during the 2018-19 school year.
Subgroup achievement includes the test scores for students who participate in the free and reduced lunch program, have a racial or ethnic background, English language learners or students with disabilities.
College and career readiness includes scores for the ACT and COMPASS college preparatory tests; the military ASVAB test; Advanced Placement and dual-credit tests; and post-secondary placement, which includes two- and four-year colleges, the military and entering the competitive workforce.
Attendance is graded based on whether 90 percent of students are attending school 90 percent of the time.
Graduation rate is scored on a district’s four-, five-, six- and seven-year graduation rates.
Across the state
More than 97 percent of Missouri districts and charter schools scored at least 70 percent of the possible points on their APR.
For public school districts, this places them in the fully accredited range, while charter schools do not receive an accreditation classification under current guidelines.
Schools continued to prepare students for success after graduation, with tangible results: more students both participated in advanced placement courses and scored a three or better on AP exams, enrollment increased in dual enrollment and Project Lead the Way courses, and a greater number of students earned industry-recognized credentials.
All public school district and charter school APR data can be found by accessing DESE’s comprehensive data system portal at
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