Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioner and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 7/11/24. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve closed session minutes dated 7/11/24. The motion passed.
Approved: Invoice to Thomas’ Lawn Care.
Accounts Payable: Checks #84565-84590.
Requisitions: Sheriff to Messner Collision Repair for vehicle repair.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: thank you notes from Missouri Boys State, financial statement from Hughes Township and financial docs from Atchison Township, litigation update, sheriff’s report for June 2024 and follow-up email from Kristy Arciszewski from Gallagher Insurance.
Reviewed and approved a flyer and public information documents for the Senior Tax Relief Program.
The commission discussed various calls received over the weekend regarding road issues and the CART rock process. Also talked about the status of several township’s financial statements. An email was sent out to township officials who may not have complied with RSMo 105.145 and 231.280.
A call was made to the Missouri Attorney General’s office with a personnel question on RSMo 57.317. An email was also sent to county attorney, Ivan Schraeder.
Major Scott Wedlock discussed the water line issues with the Jail Maintenance and Improvement Grant. A call was put in to Jim Propukec, Continental Fire Sprinkler Company to discuss progress. Wedlock also updated the commission on the status of the control system and new doors. A message was left for Jerri Dearmont at NWMO Regional Council of Governments to set up a meeting time.
Discussed a door at the Courthouse that will need to be replaced and the masonry work that will likely need to be done. A call was put in to Maryville Glass and Lock for a quote.
The Commission, along with Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor, inspected a culvert on Road #161 and Road #149 and inspected Road #156 and #157 all in Hopkins Township. Inspected a tube on Road #824 in Monroe Township.
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
A discussion was held on changing the procedure for issuing proceed orders for CART Rock due to roads not being properly prepared for the rock.
A call was put in to Roger Florea, Hopkins Township trustee, to discuss roads within the township.
A message was left with Wallace McGinnis, Monroe Township trustee, regarding roads within the township.
Two sealed bids were opened and reviewed concerning the Courthouse exterior project. MTS – $790,000 and Andrew Tuck Pointing – $174,942. A call was put in to Ben South, Andrew Tuck Pointing to discuss his bid as it was the low bid. A time was set for South to meet with the commission to walk through the project. The commission tabled a decision until further review of proposals and the meeting with Andrew Tuck Pointing.
Burns made a motion to adjourn until 7/18/2024.
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