This Week's News

It’s birthday time at the NNL

By Kay Wilson It was March 15, 1996, the Ides of March, when the Nodaway News Leader was born. A weekly newspaper, which would cover the entire Nodaway County happenings, was a new concept to local newspaper readers. With this edition, on the NNL flag to the left, the volume digit changes to 23, or

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Dead insects and rusty gas lines found in food establishment during inspections

Nodaway County Health Department Environmental Health Specialist Larry Wickersham found dead insects and rusty gas lines in local food establishments throughout the month of February. Aramark Northwest Campus Dining, 800 University Drive, high priority Routine inspection February 5. Critical: Observed flexible water spray nozzle without proper air gap between flood level of rim at sink

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Bell ringing ceremony honoring Morgan McCoy set for March 14

The Northwest Missouri State University community is invited to remember Morgan McCoy during a bell ringing ceremony at 3 pm, Wednesday, March 14 at the Bell of ’48. McCoy, a 19-year-old sophomore elementary education major from Liberty, died January 7 as the result of injuries she suffered when she was struck by a car that

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Mozingo Advisory Board looks at lake purification systems

Members of the Mozingo Advisory Board looked at solar-powered water mixing devices during their regular meeting on February 28. This year, Mozingo experienced water odor and taste issues due to a high turnover of algae blooms in the water. Assistant City Manager Ryan Heiland presented the idea of purchasing a Solarbee to the board in

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Pickering officials discuss sewer pump issues in uninhabited properties

Pickering At the March 5 Pickering City Council meeting, City Clerk Milt Sovereign said he planned to pull sewer pumps from vacated properties. The pumps can be reinstalled if the property becomes inhabited. Sovereign is taking this action because the pump wells fill with water, causing damage to the pumps. He pulled a pump from

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Hopkins leaders discusses city improvements

On March 5, the Hopkins City Council discussed improvements to the streets, the pump house and water plant. The city is looking into painting the exterior of the pump house and water plant. Chief Operator Jack Baldwin has contacted two paint dealers: Sherwin Williams, St. Joseph, and Tnemic Company, Inc., Kansas City. Tnemic makes a

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Scheel resigns as Northwest women’s basketball coach

Northwest Missouri State University Director of Athletics Mel Tjeerdsma has accepted the resignation of Women’s Basketball Head Coach Buck Scheel. “I would like to thank Coach Scheel for his commitment to Bearcat athletics and for his effort to rebuild our women’s basketball program,” said Tjeerdsma. “I wish him the best in the next step of

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Richard Stratton reflects on capturing notorious thug Ken Rex McElroy

Editor’s note: This article and photos were published in the February 22, 2018, edition of the Bethany Republican Clipper. Because of his law enforcement presence with his service to Nodaway County on the Missouri Highway Patrol, we requested and were granted permission to share this with the Nodaway News Leader’s readers. By Phil Conger, Bethany

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Ambulance district to purchase new air bags

The Nodaway County Ambulance Board approved the purchase of air bags during its regular meeting on February 14. The Hurst Air Bags have a life span of 10 years. The air bags are used in emergency cases. They can be laid underneath large obstructions and then inflated to help lift obstacles off of victims. The

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