This Week's News

Families urged to update immunizations as part of back-to-school preparations

August not only marks the beginning of school, but it is also recognized as National Immunization Awareness Month. Whether children are home-schooled or attend public or private school, they are required to be up-to-date, based on age, for certain vaccinations recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Immunizations help parents protect their

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Hopkins alderman resigns

South Ward Alderman Brandon Kreps’ resignation was accepted by the Hopkins City Council during its August 5 meeting. Chief Operator Jack Baldwin will post three notices in Hopkins requesting anyone interested in filling the position submit a letter to city hall by 9 am, Wednesday, August 21. The council will meet at 7 pm, Friday,

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Food establishment inspections find biofilm mold, incorrect food temps

The Nodaway County Health Center food establishment inspection reports for June end and July were given by a department official: Pizza Ranch, 215 Che Drive, Maryville, high priority Routine inspection June 28 Priority: Sliced mushrooms held past labeled discard date, two six pound, 11 ounce hermetically sealed cans with deep dents along rim, container used

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Maryville extends period for yard waste burning

The city of Maryville has extended the summer burn period until the end of August. By ordinance, the city has identified three periods a year for burning yard waste. Those periods are between April 1 and April 14, July 17 and July 31, and October 24 and November 6 from dawn until dusk or as

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Mosaic in Maryville and Albany now have special access to Mayo Clinic

After successfully completing a rigorous evaluation process, Mosaic Medical Center – Maryville (MMCM) and Mosaic Medical Center – Albany (MMCA) now have access to the tools and services offered through the Mayo Clinic Network. The two medical centers join Mosaic Life Care in St. Joseph which became a member of the network seven years ago.

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Conception Abbey releases past allegations list

Concern for transparency and accountability has prompted many dioceses and religious orders to publish information about members within their groups who have had allegations of sexual abuse of minors made against them. With that goal, Conception Abbey provided the names of eight abbey priests or brothers against whom credible allegations of sexual abuse of a

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Cronk authors book on Nodaway County Jail

Author Susan Cronk has just released her 13th book, “The Human Squirrel Cage – Nodaway County’s Rotary Jail.” The book is Cronk’s fourth work of nonfiction. She is also the author of nine novels. A 14th nonfiction book, a companion to “The Human Squirrel Cage,” is due out in the summer or fall of 2019.

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State specialist gives Missouri Sunshine Law seminar

By Kathryn Rice Casey Lawrence, director of Sunshine Law compliance with the Missouri Attorney General’s office, presented information, July 30, on the law to members of area city councils, boards of education, taxing entities and other government groups which operate from tax funds. Organized by Northwest Missouri State University Police Lieutenant Amanda Cullin, the two

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Northwest Alumni to honor 7 for success, service

Seven distinguished members of the Northwest Missouri State University family will be honored during the Alumni Awards Banquet this fall for dedicating time, talent and service to the university.The annual event, sponsored by the Northwest Alumni Association, begins at 6 pm, Friday, September 27 with a social in the JW Jones Student Union Ballroom. A

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Putting Northwest Missouri highways back together again

The Missouri Department of Transportation knows the continued road closures due to flooding and flood damage are impacting lives, including its own workers in these affected areas, and MoDOT is working to repair and restore mobility to routes as waters recede. Local maintenance crews are clearing debris and repairing shoulders and minor road surface issues

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