With the first day of school looming, several schools still need bus drivers for that all important job of getting students to and from school.
Maryville and South Nodaway school districts are contracted with Jarnik Bus Services.
At Maryville, at least five full-time drivers are needed. For those interested in a position, the person to contact is Martin Farnan at 660.562.3663. Drivers must be 21, have or be willing to get a CDL license, pass a DOT physical and a background check.
Farnan will train individuals to pass the driver’s exam, pay for the learner’s permit, the license, the DOT physical and fingerprints for the background check.
Hours of service are 6:30 to 7:45 am and 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Drivers are guaranteed two hours of pay for each shift. Event and activity drivers are also needed.
Farnan recommends the job for retirees, stay-at-home moms, who can bring their children with them, and for anyone who enjoys being around kids.
South Nodaway has enough bus drivers at this time. To apply for future openings, contact Transportation Director Nick Wray at the school, 660.652.3727.
Nodaway-Holt, Northeast Nodaway and West Nodaway have contracted bus service through Apple Bus.
Northeast Nodaway is in need of two substitute drivers to help with the three bus routes and activities, Lead Driver Russell Kammerer said.
“Sub drivers are needed for sports, school trips and to drive the buses to St. Joseph for maintenance,” Kammerer said. “One driver is a farmer and occasionally he can’t make it and a sub driver needs to fill in.”
Applicants need to have a clean driving record, good physical health and a good personality. Kammerer can be contacted at NEN, 660.937.3125.
Nodaway-Holt has all positions filled, but will need drivers in the future. To apply, contact District Manager Richard Corbin at the Mound City Bus Barn, 660.442.5111.
“This is an important position with a lot of good influence on students,” Corbin said. “The driver is the first to say ‘good morning’ and the last school person to say ‘good evening.’”
Corbin continued, “Bus drivers need to come from the local community. Someone needs to step up to fill these positions. Country kids aren’t bad. It’s harder to misbehave when everyone knows everyone. Driving a bus gives you something to look forward to and it gets you up in the morning.”
West Nodaway has a substitute driver opening. If interested in this or a future position, contact Superintendent Shannon Nolte or Bus Manager Jim Meyer at 660.725.4613.
Jefferson and North Nodaway school districts handle bus service for students. Both currently have enough drivers.
If someone is interested in driving for Jefferson in the future, they may contact Superintendent Tim Jermain at 660.944.2417 or at the school.
To apply for future positions at North Nodaway, visit nnr6.org/Superintendent/SuptOfficeIndex.htm. Under applications, select support staff. Individuals may also call 660.778.3411 or stop by the superintendent’s office for more information.
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