Bryan Sobotka, Ravenwood Rescue Squad member, addressed several issues with the Nodaway County Ambulance District leaders during the March 10 meeting.
Sobotka requested recognition of volunteers throughout the county who have made emergency calls through the COVID-19 pandemic. He noted the district have purchased appreciation items for each of the responders as well as hosting cookouts. May 16-22 is National EMS Week. It was discussed something should be done to honor the employees also.
He also spoke about a device used during a recent water rescue training called an arm lock rescue device. It could also be used during a grain bin rescue. The cost is $425 each and the board decided to purchase one for each rescue truck.
Sobotka reported he had done some research on the pricing of additional lights for the rescue trucks. He suggested $200 exterior emergency lights, $200 each for eight trucks, traffic advisor $400 each, 12-volt flood scene lights, $1,500 with at total cost of $5,000. He also presented an estimate for a new single cab chassis and aluminum box for $88,294.08 noting some of the rescue squads for additional space for supplies. Director of Operations Bill Florea requested the board to consider replacing a truck with the lights from the old truck being saved. Florea directed Sobotka to get a true estimate with lights and siren. Board approved the purchase of $4,600 worth of lights. Sobotka volunteered to install the lights at no cost.
Maryville Rescue Squad reported a Hurst E-Ram has been ordered. It was also shared the new diving suit was used at the water rescue training. Board member Phil Rickabaugh noted he had requested the city of Maryville to purchase the suit and that he would request the ambulance board to purchase another. The diving suit is $800.
Florea reported sales tax revenue had increased 7.58 percent during January through March, call volume increased 4.89 percent increase, Erin Keith resigned, long-term plan for building with the USDA ready to provide 15 percent of the cost, getting prices for new ambulance tires and the district is dealing with the lower allotment of gloves.
Training Manager Pat Greife announced new CPR instructors Bryan Williams, Katie Spears and Gregg Dieringer have been added, EMT quarterly set for May 13, paramedic and EMR refresher classes are set.
The board approved Medicare/Medicaid of $12,346.23 and $12,967.34 in collections in adjustments for February.
• Approved the request of general leave for Gerald Lager to sign up for FEMA duty and Jubal Smith.
• Accepted the state Lagers Retirement Benefit plan increases employees to a six percent contribution.
• After a closed session, the board granted Lager a performance incentive of $362.50 and an 18¢ per hour merit raise.
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