The Conception Abbey Guest Center announced its expanded retreat dates for 2025, following the tremendous success and positive feedback from last year’s Encountering Christ Retreats. Fr. Paul Sheller, the director of the Abbey Guest Center, shares the importance of attending a retreat, likening it to keeping a doctor’s appointment for spiritual life.

“I am becoming more and more convinced of the need for every Catholic to take an annual retreat. It is curious that as a society, we are convinced of the importance of a regular visit to the doctor or dentist for the sake of our physical health, but when it comes to our spiritual life, the part that has eternal consequences, we can so easily neglect it or convince ourselves that we are too busy for a retreat. You are not too busy for God. In fact, making time to allow yourself to be guided deeper into Christ will not only renew your own spirit, but it will enhance the spirit with which you enter your work, and your witness will support other people on their journey to God.”

Upcoming retreats include: Men, February 21–23, May 16–18, May 30–June 1, June 27–29, July 18–20, August 29–31, October 17–19, November 21–23 and December 19–21; Women, January 31–February 2, March 21–23, May 23–25, June 20–22, July 11–13, August 22–24, September 12–14, October 31–November 2 and December 12–14.

“As a priest, I am acutely aware of the struggles and sufferings people carry and put up with on a regular basis, and how many people feel worn down by a culture which is not always very supportive of Christian values. Many people I visit with, which includes priests, religious, and lay men and women, often struggle to perceive God’s presence and action in their lives and are in need of a word of encouragement. It is a blessing to accompany them on their spiritual journeys, but I want to reach more people.”

The Encountering Christ silent retreats are designed to address the hunger for God and emphasize the importance of silence in fostering this relationship with God. What makes our retreats impactful is that you join in the prayer and the faith of Benedictine monks who have committed their lives to the praise of God. This authentic monastic community is already interceding on behalf of the Church and the world. You are invited into our rhythm of prayer for the weekend, where we challenge you to set aside all that distracts you, guide you to deeper prayer through praying with Sacred Scripture, and give you the time and space to reflect on God’s love and mercy in Eucharistic Adoration and confession.”

As I jokingly tell our retreatants, we didn’t put 21 silent retreats a year on the calendar because the monks were bored and needed more work. We are leading these retreats because we are convinced that our Benedictine spirituality and way of life gives order and shape to our lives, helping us to sanctify and see God in what we would otherwise classify as “mundane” or “ordinary.” We want to share God’s love with you.”

“I urge you and encourage you, do not let 2025 pass by without making a retreat. Come to Conception Abbey, and discover what many people have already discovered: the deep and abiding peace that God gives when you open your heart to Him.”

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