Raised bed gardens, building picnic tables and benches, creating an outdoor classroom, and landscaping main streets are a few of the community projects that 4-H and FFA youth will be doing this spring as recipients of a Shaping Rural Missouri Grant.
Fifty-two 4-H clubs and FFA chapters received a $500 Shaping Rural Missouri Grant to complete a community improvement project this year.
Local 4-H clubs and FFA chapters that received a Shaping Rural Missouri grant in support of implementing the project listed are:
• Jefferson FFA Chapter, North Nodaway FFA Chapter, Northeast Nodaway FFA Chapter, Northwest Technical FFA Chapter and South Nodaway FFA Chapter to install fans in local community building.
• Northeast Bluejays 4-H Club to build flower boxes, purchase and paint metal trashcans, and landscape downtown Ravenwood.
• West Nodaway FFC Chapter to landscape West Nodaway school.
This is the 10th year of awarding Shaping Rural Missouri Grants. The program has awarded more than $180,000 back to rural Missouri.
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