• Contractor VF Anderson Builders, Inc., SK Design Group, Inc. and the City of Maryville have been working with various utility companies on relocation and working through potential conflicts. The majority of visible work to date involves utility relocation at the South Avenue intersection. Utility relocation will continue from north to south within the right-of-way and utility easements adjacent to the road way.
  • On Monday, October 25th the eastern northbound lane will be closed  for the duration of 1-2 weeks. This will require head to head traffic in the western two lanes. The western lane will remain southbound and the center turn lane will be the northbound lane. Additional striping and lane tape will be applied at intersections to assist drivers with the transition. The lane closure will allow for the addition of a temporary lane on the east side. Once the temporary lane is constructed, the traffic will shift east allowing the contractor to occupy the west lane, while the two existing easterly lanes and the new temporary lane will be used for traffic.
  • Temporary erosion control fencing will be installed throughout the project corridor on Tuesday, October 26th.
  • New temporary wooden poles are being installed throughout the project corridor and along Highway V. These poles will allow for Bluebird and United Fiber to be placed in the air until later in the project when they will relocate underground.